6 Common Problems and Solutions

6.2 Relevant issues in VASP calculation

6.2.2 The electronic step does not converge when using level=2 or 3 to do HSE self-consistent calculation.

  • Solution: Change the algorithm, such as the ALGO tag in INCAR could select Damped or All (do not mixed with Normal). Or increase SIGMA , this parameter should be reset after converged, and calculated again with reading the converged wavefunction.

6.2.3 The electronic step does not converge when doing relaxation1, relaxation2, or static calculation in the first stage of TSC.

  • Solution: In the first stage of TSC, the parameters in INCAR used for DASP calculation (PBE) are completely consistent with MP database, so they may not converge in a few cases, in which only need to change the algorithm and set ALGO=Fast or Normal in INCAR .

6.2.4 What to do when the calculation stops but does not converge during structure relaxation in the DEC module?

  • Solution: Generally, copy CONTCAR to POSCAR and rerun the calculation.